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Maternity and Child Records (NHS Digital) 

The NHS Digital, established in 2013, aims to enhance the accessibility, quality, and utility of health and care data while upholding privacy, transparency, and ethics. Their teams develop and manage national IT and data services to support clinicians, improve patient care, and leverage data for treatment enhancement.

Facing challenges from the initial launch of a maternity and child records digitalisation program, NHS Digital sought a solution. Despite prior setbacks, the imperative to digitize records persisted due to handwritten maternity records, scattered storage locations, and cumbersome physical transportation for appointments, posing risks to efficient healthcare access

 In response, ForJo Ltd collaborated closely with NHS Digital and experts to initiate an 8-week discovery phase. This phase revisited previous efforts, documented problem statements, provided recommendations, and outlined clear next steps. Upon completion, the client received concise problem statements and a definitive roadmap, paving the way for the launch of multiple projects aimed at digitalising maternity and child records.

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